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Aminet AMIGA CDROM (1994)(Walnut Creek)[Feb 1994][W.O. 44790-1].iso
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Enhanced Music Extension v3.0 DEMOVERSION
Written by Paul Reece
Old Extension by François Lionet
© Stealth Productions 1993
This extension was written using Devpac v2.15
--- This is compatible with AMOS 1.3 and AMOS Professional only ---
This extension may not be distributed in any way without written permission.
It is NOT public domain, freeware, shareware etc. The copyright is retained
by the author.
This DEMOVERSION may be freely distributed as long as all files are included
in full and are not altered in any way.
I do not take any responsibility for loss of data etc arising from use of this
program. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!
This extension was originally written as a bugfix for the old Amos 1.3 music
extension v1.54. As the bugs were fixed in the extension, new bugs were
discovered so in the end, a full re-working of the tracker music routines was
done. The old playroutine was replaced with a newer Protracker playroutine,
new tracker commands were added and the file loading was improved. Med
support was also added.
To install the extension, copy the file Music.lib over the existing Music.lib
file in your AMOS_SYSTEM folder.
In the case of AMOS Pro, copy the file AMOSPro_Music.lib over the existing
file in your APSystem folder.
This extension features all of the original Amos music commands and the new
commands listed below. The AmosPro version also features the AmosPro only
music commands featured in AmosPro.
In this DEMOVERSION, the track sample command has been disabled and the med
play and track play commands can only be used 3 times. No such limits are
included in the full version.
*** Soundtracker/Noisetracker/Protracker/Startrekker VBlank Routines ***
Supports only 31 sample modules
Now supports ALL Protracker 3.10 commands!
(does not support Protracker CIA tempo commands or Startrekker AM modules)
Track Load "fname",<bank> Modified Command
Loads the specified module into memorybank <bank>.
Track Play <bank> Modified Command
Track Play <bank>,<position>
Plays a previously loaded tracker module stored in bank <bank>. If the
<position> option is used, the module will start from the specified position.
Track Stop Modified Command
Stops the module currently playing.
Track Loop On Modified Command
Track Loop Of
When on, this command tells the playroutine to repeat the next song until it
is stopped. If this command is not used, the song will stop at its end UNLESS
a pattern jump command is used in the last pattern.
In the original Amos Pro music extension, both of these commands led straight
to an RTS instruction (it did absolutely nothing!!). This just shows how much
testing software houses actually do!
Patt Loop On New Command
Patt Loop Of
Patt Loop No
Forces the currently playing pattern to repeat. If used before Track Play,
the specified pattern will be repeated. (this also happens to the first
pattern if no pattern number is specified) If Patt Loop No is used, the
pattern played next will play once and the music will stop.
Track Tempo <tempo> New Command
Sets the tempo of the module currently playing. The number in <tempo> is just
like the number in the tempo command in any tracker. Tempo 0 is the fastest.
Tempo 6 is the default.
This command does not over-ride the tempo commands used in the module. ie.
if you set a tempo, it will be changed by any tempo commands in the music.
(eg. F03)
This command is useful if you start a module part way through and the tempo is
Track Sample On New Command
Track Sample Off NOT IN DEMO VERSION!!!
This command turns off tracker channel 4 (Left channel) while playing tracker
modules. This allows you to use the spare channel for playing samples without
the samples being affected by the playroutine in any way.
=Trpos New Command
Returns the position of the currently playing module. 0 is the first position
and so on.
=Trlen New Command
Returns the position length of the currently playing module. If the length
returned is 34, the last position played would be 33.
=TrPat(pos) New Command
Returns the pattern number played at song position pos.
=Trstat New Command
Returns 1 if the song is still playing. 0 if it has finished.
=VuMeter(chan) Modified Command
This command finally supports tracker modules. It is impossible to include
support for Octamed Pro in this command as it is an external library.
*** Octamed Pro - Med Support Routines ***
Supports both MMD0 and MMD1 modules.
4 channel modules ONLY
Requires Medplayer Library Version 2 or better
Med Load "fname",bank New Command
This loads the Med or Octamed module specified into memory bank <bank>. Med
modules are not saved along with your programs. They must be loaded from
This command only works if Medplayer.library v2.0 is in your current LIBS:
directory. If the library cannot be found, an appropriate error will occur.
Med Play bank New Command
This command plays the currently loaded module. The <modnum> parameter plays
the module number specified (multi modules only!!). The first module is 0,
the second is 1 and so on.
Med Stop New Command
This command stops playing any med module currently playing.
Med Cont New Command
This command re-starts any stopped module from where it was stopped.
Med Midi On New Command
If this command is used before starting a module, any midi information will be
sent to your midi instrument.
Med Tempo <tempo> New Command
Technically this command sets the tempo of the currently playing module. For
some odd reason it fails to work. It should work! There seems to be a bug in
the library.
The OctamedPro/Med routines can be updated at any time by replacing medplayer
library with the newest available version.
Do you have any suggestions for this program??? Have you found a bug? or do
you just want to write mail?? (I LOVE MAIL!!) - If so, just contact me at one
of the following addresses:
Snailmail: Paul Reece
3 Weston Place
Glenorchy, Tasmania.
Australia. 7010
Email: preece@slick.clare.tased.edu.au (Preferred)
The full version of this program will hopefully be distributed on an Amiga
Format coverdisk by the end of 1993.
Amos and Amos Pro are (c) Europress Software.
Octamed/Octamed Pro/Med and Medplayer.library are (c) Teijo Kinnunen
The Enhanced Music Extension is (c) 1993 - Paul Reece of Stealth Productions
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